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Australian Curriculum Science
Australian Curriculum Science is a series of eight books written specifically to support the new national curriculum. All levels use science literacy texts to introduce and explain science concepts. Relevant diagrams or artwork support the text. Comprehension questions follow each text and can be used to gauge your students’ understanding of the concepts. Practical hands-on activities, which are predominantly experiments, complete each section.

All Science Understanding and Science as a Human Endeavour units, as set out in the Australian Curriculum, are included for each level. Additionally, Science as a Human Endeavour aspects are included, where appropriate, within Science Understanding units. Science Inquiry Skills and Overarching ideas underpin all sections in each level. Useful websites and teacher background information are provided to assist teachers to introduce, reinforce or explain science concepts. Complete explanations and answers are provided where necessary.

Australian Curriculum Science

PriceFrom $39.95
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